Students studying social work at Carthage have many opportunities to enrich their education.


January Term, or J-Term, is a month-long period of study in January in which all academic departments offer innovative courses on campus, as well as study tours in other countries. While many business students use J-Term to fill an academic requirement, others gain valuable global experience by traveling abroad. Carthage accounting and finance professors regularly lead study tours to such destinations as China, Sweden, and England, where students meet executives and see firsthand how global businesses operate.

Learn more about J-Term

Student Organizations

Carthage social work students can get involved in a number of student organizations dedicated to putting what’s learned in the classroom into practice. Join Social Work Student Association, Circle K, and more.

See Social Work student organizations

Original Research

All social work majors design a community-based research proposal in their senior research course. Other opportunities for research include paid Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) grants.

Learn more about Research at Carthage